Welcome to KOINet,
the interdisciplinary competence and cooperation network for young academics!
Our Project
One of the major challenges of the "minor subjects" is the need to look beyond the boundaries of one's own discipline and to work in an interdisciplinary manner for solid scientific results and statements. As a result, the scientists working in these areas are used and practised to find a common language for scientific dialogue and to develop solutions for common problems. However, this also goes hand in hand with the ability to adapt and incorporate theories, concepts and ideas. The "large subjects" also benefit from this adaptability!
Our Goal
By setting priorities and specializing the institutes, more far-reaching networking of young scientists across disciplines, universities and national borders is necessary. We would like to facilitate this networking with the help of our network.
The project aims to set up a network of and for young scientists that is interdisciplinary, inter-university, cross-generational and competence-oriented and offers them low-threshold opportunities for exchange and the development of joint projects and ideas. The network should also be a contact point and contact for representatives of other subjects who are looking for cooperation partners.
Using our network, working groups and teams should be able to come together, initiate projects and carry them out with the support of the KOINet team - we accompany you from the idea to the completed project.
Our Range
The network is designed as a three-tier generation system:
1.) "Simple registration": for interested and motivated students who can grow into the network
2.) “Active member”: competent and efficient young scientists who organize and drive the bulk of the projects Gros der Projekte organisieren und vorantreiben
3.) “Alumnus”: a staff of experienced and established scientists who provide advice and support.
We offer young academics a platform to share, discuss and improve their ideas with colleagues in a safe environment. Our intranet offers, among other things:
- contact options
- Various exchange options (thematic areas, forums, chat)
- board for ideas
- podcasts and webinars
- talent market
- Materials Provided by Members
Active members offer their skills and competencies (language skills, computer programs, organization, etc.) to the community; for example, cooperation can be found in the publication of scientific articles or the planning of conferences or similar. We guarantee the security of internal exchange with logging tools and technical safeguards.
"The Language of Violence"
We are pleased to announce the workshop “The Language of Violence”, which will take place on
the 3rd and 4th of October 2024 in Uppsala (Sweden) and online via Zoom.
KOINet auf der Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften

Am 22. Juni 2024 wird sich das Projekt KOInet auch auf der Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften in Berlin präsentieren.
Das gesamte Programm ist auch auf der Webseite der Veranstaltung zu finden.
Online exhibition
"The Reception of Ancient Egypt"
Die Ausstellung “The Reception of Ancient Egypt” wird mit einer Online-Vernissage eröffnet. Der Termin wird noch bekannt gegeben.
Click here for more information.